
Friday, February 1, 2013

The Runic Era Calendar

The Runic Era Calendar 

We talked about runic half month, now is the time to explain the rest of the calendar:

The Year

Current evidence suggests that runes have been in use since about 250 BCE, so to get the Runic Era year add 250 to the Common Era year.

Common Runic 
Era           Era
1998 2248
1999 2249
2000 2250
2001 2251
2002 2252
2003 2253
2004 2254
2005 2255
2006 2256
2007 2257
2008 2258
2009 2259
2010 2260 
2011 2261
2012 2262
2013 2263

The Days

The days of the week are named after the gods and goddesses and are as follows, starting with Sun's day.

English Days Old Norse Days Rough Translation
Sunday Sunnudagr Sunna's day
Monday Mánadagr Manni's day
Tuesday Týsdagr Tyr's day
Wednesday Óðinsdagr Odin's day
Thursday Þórsdagr Thor's day
Friday Frjádagr Frigga's day
Saturday Laugardagr Wash day

The Months

The Months in the Runic Era Calendar are basically named after the seasons or an important event in that month. For example, Harvest corresponds to August - time to harvest the crops.

Runic Months English Months
Snowmoon January
Horning February
Lenting March
Ostara April
Merrymoon May
Midyear June
Haymoon July
Harvest August
Shedding September
Hunting October
Fogmoon November
Yule December

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